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Interactive Chart Configuration freezes when using batch charts

9 - Comet

I have the problem that the Interactive Chart configuration frequently (in most cases) freezes when "Batch" is switched on. The configuration window can be closed and Alteryx continues to run. But no change in the configuration is possible because freeze stays for ever.


This behaviour does not occur if batch is switched off. But as soon as batch was switched on once, the tool is screwed up. If I need to change anything, I have to delete the old tool and set up a new one.


Additional remark: I don't have real batch data but need to use data in one column as title. Batch is a workaround to get information from the table into the graph title (by having identical value in all rows of the title column).


Does anybody of you have the same or similar experience? Any solution?

13 - Pulsar

I don't have a solution, mainly just commiserating because this happens to me, too (I use the batch functionality for the same reason)! I think this started for me when we upgraded to 2020.3 from 2019.2 (so, I'm not sure where in that range the issue was introduced).


To save a little time, you can copy and paste the XML from your existing Interactive Chart tool into a new Interactive Chart tool. You still have to add a new tool and connect it, but at least this saves you from having to totally start from scratch reconfiguring the tool.

If you're not familiar with editing the tool XML, here's how to do it:

  1. In your old chart tool, go to the configuration window, and click the XML view icon
    If you don't see the icon, go to Options --> User Settings --> Edit User Settings --> Advanced tab --> check Display XML in Properties Window
  2. Select and copy all of the XML
  3. In your new chart tool, go to the configuration window, and click the XML view icon
  4. Click Edit, then delete all of the existing XML and replace it with what you have copied from the old tool





Also, you could append the dynamic title to the chart using reporting tools, something like this (but I agree, it's sooo much more convenient to use batching!)


9 - Comet

Thank you very much for these ideas. I had considered editing the entire workflow in a text editor. But the XML editor for that specific tool is much more elegant.

Your second approach is also helpful and will help me in another area as well. Thank you!


I still believe this freeze is a bug which should be resolved even if we can work around it. Thus, I leave this post open until my support request to Alteryx is resolved. 
