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Interactive Chart Bug - Expcetion when clicking "Configure Chart"

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

The workflow is too complicated to explain it here, but it is attached.


Long story short: I get the error message below when I try to click the "Configure Chart" button in the Interactive Chart.




Alteryx Version: 2019.4.4.20206


I shortend the data_input.yxdb file to 5000 records, because it was to big to upload it. If needed I can make the full data available via OneDrive (~ 128 MB).


Additional info: I use the workflow to explore tools, that's why some data processes end randomily or seem pointless.




16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @grossal 


Have you tried to run your workflow on other machines with a different alteryx version?


Does it give the same error?

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

The workflow runs perfectly fine, the bug appears in the designer window when I try to click 'Configure Chart' Button.


I might be able to check another alteryx version tomorrow.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @grossal ,


I understand what you mean. What I want to achieve with this is to see if it affects your version and also previous ones.



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

I am not sure why, but it deletes the workflow file when I try to upload it. Should I upload it to an external source and publish a link or what is the best way to make the workflow available?


I already removed all Beta-tools from the workflow, but I am still not able to upload the workflow here.


I was able to verify the bug in Version 2019.4.6.21113.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

I have created a new post with a minimal show case and send it to the Alteryx Support team. I will close this post and send you all to the new post.


New post:

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