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Intelligence Suite - Adobe API pdf URL

Bola de fogo



I'm using the Adobe API to get the URL link to some pdf documents.  Using the Formula and Download tools I'm able to download the file to a local folder.  Using Intelligence Suite(IS), I'm able to use the Image tools to markup and retrieve the data needed from that file.


Is it possible, in the Download tool, to use the "Temporary File" under the 'To a File' option and then have that feed into the Image Input tool of IS? The "DownloadTempFile" comes across as a .tmp file extension





Hi @BonusCup 


Can you add a formula tool after your download tool to keep the temp file path up to folder level (i.e. getting rid of the last \ and everything after)?


Let me know if that works. Cheers!

Bola de fogo

@christine_assaad since the temp file comes across as a *.tmp I'm getting an error for 'Supported file types not in selected path"




19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @BonusCup 


Change the extension of the tmp file to pdf in the same formula tool that you just added 



Bola de fogo

@danilang since it came across as a temp file, I tried your suggestion by manually going into the Temp directory and changing the file type from '.tmp' to ".pdf".  It is still failing with the error below.  I tried to open it myself and it also failed.

Error: Image Input (8): All of the files in the selected path(s) failed on open. Check the log file for details.




19 - Altair
19 - Altair



That is strange.  The format of the downloaded file shouldn't change just because of the download destination.  Do the file sizes look correct.  Also is this the temp file that the download tool reported?



Bola de fogo

@danilang I found a large sample public pdf to test with at:


With that I use the link in a Text input for 'url' -> Formula tool to name the directory, filename and then concat those 2 for a 'fullDownload' string to the directory I want the file saved to.


Download tool set to

URL Field:  'url'

To a File:  'fullDownload'


With that I am able to download the test file.


Setting the Download tool to "Temporary File" is when it comes across as a ".tmp".  I compared those 2 files and the file size does match.

Bola de fogo

@danilang here is the workflow to test with.  You'll need to change the directory to save the file to in the Formula tool.

Bola de fogo

Still troubleshooting this, hoping someone might have some insight on a solution.
