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Insert blank row between tables when outputting data to multiple sheets using Render Tool

5 - Atom

Hello Alteryx community,

I am creating an Excel file with multiple tabs. Each tab has a some tables. 

I am using the Table / Layout / Render tool combination because of the multiple formatting within the table data.


I need to insert a line spacing (1 blank row) between the tables


If I have only 1 single sheet in the output file, I am able to do this by using "Insert white space between records" option under 'Separator' in the Render tool


Since I have multiple sheets, I have to group by Sheet Name -> Use Vertical Layout (Group by Sheet Name, Orientation = Vertical with Section Breaks, Section Name = Sheet Name) -> Render


Grouping by Sheet Name bunches up the tables on each individual sheet into 1 group, causing them to lose their individual record status

In fact, all tables on a sheet form 1 group, so the option "Insert white space between records" option under 'Separator' in the Render tool becomes useless


So my question(s) are: 


1) Is there any simple way of inserting (1 blank row) between the tables when outputting to multiple sheets using Render?


2) Another workaround is to insert blank rows at the end of each table, while constructing each table

How can I add 1 blank row at the end of each table?

I tried using white space in Text tool. When the output is written to Excel, the white space row height collapses and it is as good as two tables joined together


See screenshot for more details on my requirement, row collapsing using white space


I hope my description makes sense.

I cannot share my workflow due to organizational rules.

Moreover, my problem is straight forward and not related to any tool, so I don't think sharing workflow will be of much help


Thanks in advance!




