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Inputting Multiple Sheets to Link to Different Parts of Workflow

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I'm trying to build a workflow where I have an excel sheet with 11 different sheets, all with different schema (different headers and data), that I need to format into their own parts of the workflow (basically extracting and formatting data from each tab for calculations). I know that in the Input Data tool, I can select "List of Sheet Names" instead of having an input data tool for each sheet (which bogs down the time) and from my search, the next tool to use would be the Dynamic Input, but I have no idea how I would be able to format the tool to input each sheet into their own part of the workflows. Below is a screenshot of the workflow I have so far (the labels of the containers are the names of the sheets):




What I'd like for this workflow to do is have just the single Input Data tool connected to 11 different parts of the workflow (one part for each tab).


Thank you!


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi, Here's one way to solve this. It is not "dynamic" in that you need to know how many sheets you have. So its just a quick way to build this out. In this example I only have 3 sheets with different table structures.


This pattern is good if your sheet names change over time but the order does not.


If your sheet names stay the same than just having11 input tools would really be better.




6 - Meteoroid

Since your sheets carry different data sets, I'd suggest you stick to the original method you suggested and use 11 separate input tools. It's the easiest I can think of. You can see in this below post how it could be done differently (with macros), but read the last post from Danilang. 

Honestly, using 11 tools and running 11 concurrent chains won't be much worse performance-wise than using the macros others suggested in the below post. Because even then your chains would still have to run 11 times to split the data back. I love Danilang's reference to the KISS methodology (keep it simple, stupid!) as it comes handy when your flow breaks down one day and you have to figure out how to fix it. The simpler the flow logic, the better the chance you won't get overwhelmed. I wasted days and days on flows I could not figure out how to fix, which I've built, and I'm only learning...
11 input tools is not that bad!

Import Multiple sheets in from one Excel file - Alteryx Community

13 - Pulsar

You need a batch macro to import the sheets. A dynamic input will give you issue due to the differing schemas.

You can have the macro output the full path for the file name and use the sheet name part to filter and send different sheets to the different parts of your flow.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you @dheissner that's exactly what I needed!
