Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Input table bogs down Alteryx during the prelim data refresh and can't be queried.

6 - Meteoroid

I have a table pulling form CData extracting Microsoft Dynamic 365 invoicing data for sales orders line data. Alteryx seems to get hung up trying to even refresh the first 100 records in the prelim window, and I can't run any queries on the table unless I put in a pre-SQL where statement and pull data by a unique document ID value. I end up having to task manager out of Alteryx because it no longer responds during the refresh phase or if running a workflow to query data, the workflow never pulls any data.


Is there a way to do like a ctrl+break or something to stop Alteryx from trying to refresh?

Is there a way that I can create a referential table first from one table that can then be used to have this sales orders lines table run? Like can I delay it in the workflow process, so that another table with the proper document id's is created that can then be used later in the workflow to be available for this table to pull from specifically so it is not pulling tons of records?
