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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Input sheets to Output file

7 - Meteor

Hi -

I have an input file with Sheet "A". I have to add a Sheet "A" to an already output file in a new sheet. How can I do? any help is appreciated.

ex: Below: Compiled BO input have sheet "A", I have to put that in France CSV output file with a new sheet created as sheet "A". 



12 - Quasar

"France CSV output file"... if it is a "*.csv" file-format, then:

FYI, the "*.csv" file-format does not allow users to add more than one sheet. It's just one kind of Text file-format only.


Hence, you can consolidate your data (using "Union" tool and arrange your columns) then generate the desired output.

FYI, Output tool has only one input anchor so you cannot link more than one tool, however, you can export the consolidated data in multiple sheets of MS Excel file-format.

Export in mulitple Sheets.png

7 - Meteor

It worked :), thank you so much.

Simple but means a lot as I would create an output with multiple source and sheets. Thanks again!

12 - Quasar

@VMR - Thank you!

Please do mark this post as solved ("Accept As Solution") if the solution is successful.

7 - Meteor

can you please guide me how to mark this as solution please?

12 - Quasar

There should be something in Green button on my reply which answers to your query.


If you click on three dots as shown in the screenshot below, will show you a dropdown for "Accept as Solution".


Accept as  Solution.png

7 - Meteor

I could not see "Accept as solution". Just like this as attached:



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



Thank you for your question to the Community! And thank you @vizAlter for helping out! 


I moved your post to the Designer Discussions forum there you can mark this post as solved ("Accept As Solution"). 


This article "Q&A: Where Do I Post My Questions?" should also help you out. 


Let me know how it goes!


Steph Vitale-Havreng
12 - Quasar

@StephV  - Thank you for the links!

@VMR - Thank you!

7 - Meteor

Hi @vizAlter,


I tried the way you suggested It worked but the fields /columns are collapsed. I have attached an expected output file with 3 sheets (A, B & C). Can you help me on this to create output as expected? with 3 inputs files with different sheets with different headers. Thanks in advance for your help.
