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Input all files from certain type but also from sub folders

10 - Fireball



I was playing around with the input and directory tool, but was not able to solve my problem ideally. I would really like to know the best practice on how to input multiple files at once including files located in subfolders. 


Below setting works to input all .json files as text in the \speed\ directory.


But this folder also has some sub folders containing .json files like

\speed\date 1\

\speed\date 2\





Of course one solution would be to move all .json files to 1 directory, but I was wondering if there is a fix to avoid this moving files work around.



10 - Fireball

Oh lord, did I just really miss the sub directory check box... I knew if I would make a post I would solve it soon...

(seems I can not delete the topic 😕 )

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @Pingu 


Great you were able to solve it🙂. Here is great resource which might aid you in this usecase.


You can read the paths of all files using directory tool and pass it through dynamic input tool to read them.


Hope this helps 🙂
