Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Input Tool - ODBC - Error Opening...No Columns Returned

5 - Atom

Hello, I have created several workflows over the past few months that used regular input data tools going through an ODBC connection to our Datawarehouse.  They have worked perfectly for months when I run them or through our scheduler.  Today, when I try to run any of the previously created workflows, I receive an error that no columns were returned.  I can create a new workflow utilizing the same type of connection and it works as expected.


I have attempted to reboot and reinstall Alteryx but neither have solved the issue.  We have multiple licensed users and I appear to be the only one with this issue.  I can view the tables in SQL or Access, so I don't believe this is a permissions issue.  Any suggestions on what to try next?

5 - Atom



I was having the same error message when i went from 1 computer to a new computer. The newer driver did not work with my old workflows. On the Alteryx site, they have older drivers, which you can download to help your old workflows run.
