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Input Tool - ODBC - Error Opening...No Columns Returned

5 - Atom

Hello, I have created several workflows over the past few months that used regular input data tools going through an ODBC connection to our Datawarehouse.  They have worked perfectly for months when I run them or through our scheduler.  Today, when I try to run any of the previously created workflows, I receive an error that no columns were returned.  I can create a new workflow utilizing the same type of connection and it works as expected.


I have attempted to reboot and reinstall Alteryx but neither have solved the issue.  We have multiple licensed users and I appear to be the only one with this issue.  I can view the tables in SQL or Access, so I don't believe this is a permissions issue.  Any suggestions on what to try next?

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus
I'm a little bit confused. Have you tested both running on your desktop and via the scheduler? Can you create a new workflow and configure an input tool to read that table from scratch?

If you can read it via the new tool, I'd try replacing the input in your existing process with it.


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5 - Atom

I am definitely confused as well.  Yes, the previously created workflows seem to run successfully using our scheduler, but not from my desktop.  I can create new workflows that look at the same sources and they run with no problem.




5 - Atom

Figured it out!  Somehow my default database within the ODBC Connection was wiped out.  I fixed that and now everything is running as it should be.  Thanks for the help!

8 - Asteroid

Hello I am receiving same error. I have 2 situations here;

1- DTM_DQ_DAILY table is an input and output within workflow so it seems like a same error in here

2- DTM_DQ_SCORECARD is only output. Why I am receiving a "Select" error. This table already created in database.




5 - Atom

same thing happened to me but for a different reason. I was pulling through data from a SQL database in an input node and i forgot to reference one of my left joins with the database name i.e. i put dbo.Table rather than Database.dbo.Table and it was 'returning no columns' on Alteryx even though the node return columns and the sql query returned columns. small issue but could occur again. 

7 - Meteor



I periodically run in to the same issue "Error Opening Select....No Columns Returned". The workflow is scheduled and I'm using the output option "Overwrite Table (Drop). I can open the workflow in designer and run it and it works fine and then the scheduled workflow starts working again for a while before it gives the same error.


Any advise on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.



5 - Atom



I would check the SQL connection aliases/names in the ODBC driver for your input tool as this could be set to a particular connection name on your designer but when pushed up to the server it should be the server name/connection name that the server will recognise.


another thing is, in your sql connection driver, ensure that if you are using a SQL query to pull in data, then ensure that full DB.SCHEMA.TABLE names are used in this connection otherwise the server may not be able to recognise your aliases.



7 - Meteor

Thank you. I will check these things out.


Would this explain why it works for weeks in scheduler and then all of a sudden throws this error and continues to throw this error until I run the workflow in Designer. This seems to clear the error and the scheduled workflow starts working again.



7 - Meteor

Your response just saved me hours of work! farahb001
