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Importing big numbers from google sheet!!!

9 - Comet

Greetings everyone. It has been a long time since I last posted here.
Hope everyone is doing well.
I am back with another question.


When I try to import some data from a google sheet, it appears in the weird format as you can see below.
Is there a proper way of importing large numbers properly.
If I wont find something then I will split the number i 2 and then merge the data back again once I take it to Alteryx.

p.s The numbers are supposed to be facebook add account IDs, and they're long combinations of numbers.



All suggestions are welcomed. 
Thanks in advance




9 - Comet

I managed to solve it in this scenario as I was the adming of the google sheet and all I had to do was to change the format of the column to number.


and not scientific.

Anyway, if someone else has a better solution (for cases when people aren't admin on the google sheet and cannot make such a change), feel free to post.
