Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Importing Multiple Files with Same Schema from a list of file paths

7 - Meteor

Is this possible without using a macro? I want to almost wildcard append to a table but the files are in different locations. I thought I could maybe get a list of file paths and use the dynamic import hoping it would loop through the filepaths I've entered but it only reads in the first one.


16 - Nebula

Hi @suppahc 


If the files have the same schema, just feeding the dynamic input tool with the right parameters must work.


You can even take a look at the example workflow for this tool, it does exactly that.




Can you share more information, maybe 2 sample files with dummy data?

7 - Meteor

So in my testing, I was reading in the same file from the same location and it only read it once. When I moved to another location it worked and read in both so maybe it behind the scenes only takes unique full filepaths to avoid a duplication error. 

16 - Nebula

Yes, the idea is to have unique filepath/sheets to do it!
