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Import multiple sheets from an Excel workbook but only certain columns

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone,
I'm having issues with the dynamic input tool and pulling in all sheets in a excel work book.  


The spreadsheet I'm pulling in is a P&L file.  So the data format sucks.  I am only interested in 2 columns (on opposite sides of the sheet) in each sheet. There are 15 sheets but I want to only pull in 12 of them


I setup a Input tool that gets a list of sheet names.  

I figure out which sheet names have just numbers (that is the code I want).  

I create a list and try to feed that back to a dynamic input tool to get all sheets and it only returns the first sheet.  



Any suggestions?

here is my dynamic input tool setup

Dynamic Input.png

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @ISUGraber ,


I've attached an example workflow and a couple of macros, one that pulls the sheet names and one that bulk loads. You can filter the sheet names you don't want. Drop the macros into your macro folder and then open the workflow.

You can then simply select the columns you want to keep.


I hope this helps,




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

These are very nice and comes very handy as tool kit. Thanks
