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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Import a Package Using an Older Version

6 - Meteoroid

I downloaded a package, and am trying to import it into Designer, but I get an error that the workflow was created by a more recent version (I'm using 11.3). What I would normally do in this situation is open the workflow with a text editor and change the version, but it seems in this situation I cannot. Any ideas on how to import this package without updating Designer?

14 - Magnetar


If you try to open the package using your current version, it should create a folder and unzip all of the files inside.  After that it will tell you that it can't open the file because it was created by a more recent version, but the files should still be there.

Then you can go and update the version in the individual .yxmd file(s).

Hope this helps!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Laabsky For what it's worth, you can also change the .yxzp to .zip and then unzip the files to your machine so that you can edit them using your text editor like normal.

6 - Meteoroid

Awesome. For some reason that wasn't happening in the directory in which the package was located, but I moved it to another directory, and voilà!


