Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Ignore Error in Union




I have a workflow that unions 10+ reports from different customers. We get reports from customers each week and they all get pasted into that customers folder and then my workflow looks pulls in the data from each individual folder and then unions them after they've all been formatted to have identical columns. The issue I'm having is that not all customers send a report each week. So for the customers that don't, I have to turn off their load in a container. This is a tedious process and involves manual work each time I need to run the report. My question is, is there a way to ignore a part of a workflow if the input tool has an error (without using a container)? Currently, if there is a report from a customer missing and I don't turnoff that customers container, none of the other data sources are unioned together. Is there any way around this?




Rather than having an input tool, use Directory + Dynamic Input. If you don't have any files going through, nothing happens and you don't get errors. 


Thank you @gabrielvilella this seemed to work. It didn't work until I added the sheet name to the full path. Do you know a way I could bring in any sheet that's in the file though? Some customers don't have consistent sheet names from week to week so if I could just bring in any sheet that's in the file, that would work a lot better.


If your files have the same schema, you just need extra steps. If not, you will need macros. See attached.

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

The Dynamic Input tools should allow you to bring in any file in a folder.  Here is an example. I have specified the folder that I want Alteryx to look at and I am telling it to bring in only the .xlsx files.  This will pull in all the xlsx files regardless of sheet name.  


