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If statements with multiple columns

7 - Meteor

Hi everyone, lets say I want to make an If statement like the following


If [Column Z] = "H" and [Column A] =  ([column B],[column C],[column D],[column E],[column F],[column G],[column H]) then "X" else "Y" endif


How would the syntax work for this in alteryx? Without doing some sort of gigantic string of elseIf's?


The idea of course being that if column Z contains the value "H" and column A is equal of any one of lets say 10-20 columns.



13 - Pulsar

I would do this

If [Column Z] = "H" and (
[Column A] = [column B]
or [Column A] = [column C]
or [Column A] = [column D]
or [Column A] = [column E]
or [Column A] = [column F]
or [Column A] = [column G]
or [Column A] = [column H]
then "X" 
else "Y" 


It feels a bit long, but you're only writing it once :) 


11 - Bolide

Here is another way using your original expression. Instead of testing if A is equivalent to a list use the 'in' operator. 



13 - Pulsar

Nice solution @AGilbert I was thinking about IN when I posted mine, but I didn't have the time to test.


Your filter is interesting though, I never write the full IF syntax in a filter, I just use the raw condition like this (but either way works):


[Z] = 'H' and [A] in ([B],[C],[D],[E],[F],[G])


11 - Bolide

@cmcclellan I agree that the full if statement is unnecessary. I should take time to tighten up my logic blocks but sometimes the ideas just fly, ya know!?

7 - Meteor

Thanks @AGilbert , an "IN" statement is exactly what I was looking for.
