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If Then Statement producing some inaccurate outputs

7 - Meteor

The If Then statement is suppose to output the Length of Assignment in days. Any value between 0 and 365 days is to output 1 into the 1 or 2 column. Otherwise all other values are suppose to indicate 2 in the 1 or 2 column. 


There are values in Length of assignment that are over 1000 and indicating 1 when it should be 2. 


I need some help figuring out why the values are returning the wrong output. 




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

It is nice that you want to understand.
I can still see the "" in your latest screen shot...
If you can upload your workflow, I can take a look also.

The formula should be looking like below.
The location of "(" and ")" are also important.


If tonumber([Length of Assignment]) >= 0 AND  tonumber([Length of Assignment]) <= 365 then 1 else 2 endif 

