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If - Help

7 - Meteor

Hi all,


I am trying to introduce another part to my formula (enclosed as New Workflow 1) whereby:


if IsNull(Cat1) and IsNull(Cat2) Then

Check Category against Other1

Check Category against Other2

Check Category against Other3

Check Category against Other4

If Match Then Yes

Else No


For example on screenshot provided(Image): I would expect Row 8, 10, 13 and 14 to come back as Yes. Row 4 seems to be correct as doesnt match.


Any help please. I have been struggling to get the next part of the IF to be added to my existing IF statement.



7 - Meteor


7 - Meteor

Hey atcodedog05,


Hoping that you can help again - this is the formula that I have written - however just not sure how to introduce the final bit (mine is a bit of a cheat at the moment whereby anything >1 will output as 125*52/12.


column c (being the new column from the formula)

If isnull([column a]) and isnull([column b]) then 0

Elseif ([column a]>1) then ((125*52)/12)

Elseif isnull([column a]) then

If ([column b]>1) then ((125*52)/12)

Else ((100*52)/12) endif

Else ((100*52)/12) endif


Whereas I would like it to be:


if column a and column b are both null then 0

if column a = 1 then 100*52/12 or column a = 2 then 125*52/12 else null

if column a is null then if column b = 1 then 100*52/12 or column b = 2 then 125*52/12 else null


i have enclosed the sample file with column c being the expected outcome from the formula.



22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @B_Y_ID8 


Here is a workflow for the task. I have included 2 scenarios 


Hope this helps 🙂

If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind 😀👍
