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IF Statements with Multiple Conditions

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


Beating my head against the wall trying to figure out why this won't work. Using formula to create a new column called Aging for certain records. Past Due column is set to VSTRING and the values range from -40 to 650. This is the formula I created and I'm getting a Parse Error at char(548) Invalid Type in operator >=. (Expression #1) error. 


IF [Past Due] <= 0 Then "Current"
elseif ([Past Due]>0 AND [Past Due]<=15) Then "0-15 PCT"
elseif ([Past Due]>=16 AND [Past Due]<=30) Then "16-30 PCT"
elseif ([Past Due]>=31 AND [Past Due]<=60) Then "31-60 PCT"
elseif ([Past Due]>=61 AND [Past Due]<=90) Then "61-90 PCT"
elseif ([Past Due]>=91 AND [Past Due]<=180) Then "91-180 PCT"
elseif ([Past Due]>=181 AND [Past Due]<=365) Then "181-365 PCT"
elseif ([Past Due]>=366 AND [Past Due]<=730) Then "GT 1 Year PCT"
elseif ([Past Due]>=731 AND [Past Due]<=1095) Then "GT 2 Year PCT"
elseif [Past Due]>=1096 Then "GT 3 Year PCT"
else Null()


What am I missing in this syntax? It's telling me the >=1096 is the issue. 


Thank you all for your help. 

20 - Arcturus

@krich434 since the[Past Due]  is string you need to use the numbers in quotes in the condition IF [Past Due] <= ‘0’ Then "Current" or


use the toNumber([Past Due]) function to convert the [Past Due] value to number


toNumber([Past Due] )<= 0 Then "Current"

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you very much! That solved my issue. 
