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I need a work flow for tracking employee exit data

7 - Meteor



I have 2 files for employee head count - 1 ) April month end 2) May Month end and another file which has the exit data of employees


Ideally May month end headcount report will not show the data of employees who left org in April and in May as well, that is the difference of employees from April to May report.


The exit report shows resources who are leaving with exit date.


My requirement is :  I need the details of employees who are not there in exit report when we compare April vs May headcount files for the towers which are there in both headcount files.


Appreciate your help on this, please let me know if you need any further details.



20 - Arcturus

@bnari12 based on my understanding I created a workflow and attached it, you can make changes to this workflow if you are looking for a different solution. Below are the list of employes they are not part of the exit report from both months. Use the file name field to distinguish the months



7 - Meteor

Hi, thank you very much for your time ! 


Let me put in this way, need data of employees who are not there in May Head Count file when we Compare with April file, and from those who are not there in exit report.


Hope this is clear, please let me know if you have any questions.

20 - Arcturus

@bnari12 Updated workflow attached. I assume the employee id is unique in all employees , so i used to join this key field, if the employee id is not unique then you need to join with another field to get the correct answer



7 - Meteor

let me give you file wise inputs, If we compare April and May file, the following employees are missing in May file




from the above Mark and Michael are there in exit report and Stephen is not there in exit report.. So the workflow should ideally give stephen as result. ( because im looking for only my tower details) . I am not looking for details of other towers such as Wealth Management, Asset Management, Central and customer service.


Data related to towers which are present in both Head count files Data Analytics, Digital and Core Banking.


Hope it is clear ..


Thank you !

20 - Arcturus

@bnari12 Connet the select tool to the R-anchor of the join tool will get your result



7 - Meteor

You are great ! Thank you so much Perfect ....


5 - Atom

I need a work flow of leave report for 3 months data only active empyloees, i have 3 dumps of completely chargeable and non chargeable hours and HC file with active empyloees, please help me 

5 - Atom

Can you share the files you have?

5 - Atom

As per company rules I can't share the files emp I'd is the unique key in all reports. I have designed almost all I need help only only 2

1. I have data with all active and inactive employees in one excel(leavesdata ). In other excel I have only active employees(HC)file. I need only active employees from leavesdata file.

2. I have hours in leaves data those I need to make it as days per day 8 hours. If they charge more than 5 it's one day if they charge 4 or less than 4 its half day leave.


Only for this 2 I need workflow.
