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How to use Interface tool between dates?

8 - Asteroid



I am trying to pull the information from the ODBC, at the same time i am using Interface tool to fetch the information between two dates Like '08/01/2021' to '08/31/2021'...Please assist me on how can i use interface tool for between dates.

1) I am tried with the Action and test box tools , but unable to find the solution - Please guide me in this Regard.


Thanks In advance. 


Hi @Jaganmohan 


Have you tried the Date interface similar to the attached? Cheers!

8 - Asteroid

Thanks Cristine - Can you please send me the screenshot of that workflow, I am unable to open the workflow which you shared.

Sure. see below





19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @Jaganmohan 


The syntax that you'll need to use is dependent on the backend database that you're accessing.  For example SQL Server uses datefield>='2021-01-02' and datefield<='2021-01-03' whereas oracle uses datefield between TO_DATE('2021-01-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD') and TO_DATE('2021-01-03', 'YYYY-MM-DD') Once you have the syntax correct, use a couple of Date interface tools and have the action tools replace 2021-01-02 with the value from the start date interface tool and 2021-01-03 with the end date, as @christine_assaad showed above.



8 - Asteroid

thanks a lot.
