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How to setup a Template Copy ONLY for the first day of the month

8 - Asteroid

Hi Everyone,


Hope everyone is doing well.


I have a workflow currently setup with a template which is copied and alteryx then enters the data to the copied template and then renames the file using the run command tools. The workflow is being run everyday.


However, I do not want the template to be copied every day. Instead, I just want the template to be copied on the first of every month and then Alteryx should use the copied template to enter the data for the entirety of that particular month and the beginning of next month a new template should be copied and then Alteryx should use that to enter the data for that month. How to setup the output tool also to take the latest month's template?


Template Name: Daily Closed Template

Desired Copied Template Name: Daily Closed_*Mon-23* [Example - Daily Closed_Feb-23] [To be created only on the first of every month.

Alteryx Output - To use the latest month's template to enter the data


How can I achieve this? Any insight is greatly appreciated.





11 - Bolide

Could you post your current flow? It would be helpful to see what you're currently working with in order to provide a better solution.

19 - Altair

your template is controlled by a filter and blob input/blob output tool.


you have a filter tool. The filter tool checks to see if it is the first day of the month. If it is - it passes that variable to the blob input (which it does not update) and the blob output - which it updates the file name in.


If the filter is false the filename for your blob output tool has already been created and you pass it to your output data.
