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How to move a column to the end with dynamic select tool

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I have used a dynamic input tool to change some of my column names according to the current date.


Say column D and column E are two dynamic-header columns. What I want to do is always make sure the [Change by product weekly] column is the last column.


current situation when the header of D and E column changes dynamically, [Change by product weekly] would move forward.



what Alteryx need to do: ensure [Change by product weekly] is the last column.




Can you kindly help me with this issue? Thank you so much.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I usually perform something like below.


8 - Asteroid

Hihi @Qiu ,


Thanks for your answer, it works well for the sample data. However, in real case it is actually other column headers like 

[Orange] [Pear] [Apple] [Lemon] [Change by product weekly], and I do not want any change in sequence for other headers, just want to ensure that [Change by product weekly] is the last column, and other columns should remain their original sequences, do you know how to do that? Thank you again~

11 - Bolide

Why don't you try it with the SELECT Tool?

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Thank you for your feedback.

I think we can add one Tile tool then something like below.

In this case, it will keep the orignal order of columns and move only [Change by product weekly] to end .



8 - Asteroid

Hi @Qiu,


Your solution works perfectly. Thank you so much, and learned a lot from this case!

8 - Asteroid

Hi @KrishnaChithrathil ,


The select tool does not work because the column headers would change dynamically, and a select tool cannot ensure that a specific column is the last one under this circumstance. Thank you~

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Glad to help and thank you for letting know.

14 - Magnetar

Hi, @Paddi 


Another lively way for you:

