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How to insert hyperlinks conditionally in reporting tools

5 - Atom

I have a workflow that develops a list of records with a field that has URLs for about 90% of the records. For the remaining 10% of records, that field's value is "N/A". Is it possible to create a hyperlink for only those values in the URL field that aren't N/A using the Reporting Tool?


One caveat: my data is already sorted in the way I need it to be, so I'd prefer to not use an approach where I use a filter step, then add the hyperlink where the value isn't N/A and then a join.


Example with a desired output column shown:



Thank you in advance for any help!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @jrsmith20,

I may be missing something but would a formula like this not work?



5 - Atom

That formula isn't giving me a working hyperlink once I put it in a table and rende?r it. Am I missing something

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

hey @jrsmith20, Looking at your output the IF statement should be something like this

IF [Link] = "N/A" THEN [Link] ELSE "<Link "+[Record ID:A]+"|"+[URL:A]+">" ENDIF

please send a screen shot if you encounter a error
