Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to highlight a specific column

8 - Asteroid

I'm trying to highlight a specific column (SCSFEE) in green and when I output it to excel, it will show this column as green. I have used the 'Basic 'Table' tool but when I output my file, all my data is gone. I'm completely new to Alteryx and had little training so using the community to guide me through (which is brilliant btw!) Example attached of what I'm trying to achieve. Thank you in advance!




13 - Pulsar

Easiest way is to highlight the column in Excel and save the file. On the output tool in Alteryx, check the Preserve Formatting check box. That way anytime you output to excel, that column will always be green. If your columns are dynamic, setup a Conditional Format in Excel to look for the (SCSFEE) column, and only highlight the data in the column with that name.


