I have an excel sheet with wind speed and corresponding power values. I need to find the average of all power values for wind speeds lying between 2 values.
It's basically a binning exercise. The bins are centered around multiples of 0.5 m/s and have a bin width of 0.5 m/s.
Please find attached the excel sheet to get a better idea. I want to get an output sheet with the bin numbers as well as the bin averaged power values.
Any help is much appreciated.
Solved! Go to Solution.
To create the bins you can use a formula tool to create the Bin field with a condition statement that states something like this: IF [wind speed (m/s)] is <.5 then 0 Elseif wind speed (m/s)] is <=.75 then 0.5 ELSEIF wind speed (m/s)] is <=1.25 then 1 etc.
Then to get the average use a summarize tool that groups by the Bin Field and average the wind speed or power
Hope this helps.