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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How to filter rows with duplicate values

7 - Meteor

Hi, is there a way to filter rows that have same value in certain field?


A         B          C            D

NJ    2015    Honda     I5A3HA74HANC7A32

GA    2016    Toyota     H7612HSK59NK8NA

TN    2017    Toyota     I5A3HA74HANC7A32

NY    2019    Ford        G7HY84HA9837I0123


So, if I want to filter only the rows that have same value in column D (row 1 and 3 in this case) How do I do that? My data sample has around 500 rows and I need to filter the rows with duplicate value. If I do unique value, it only filters out one of the duplicate rows but not all

11 - Bolide

Hi @bb,


You can do this by using a unique tool (I use two to get down to unique of the duplicates), and then join back to your original data. I don't know if you meant "filter out" or "filter to", If you want to filter out, then take what comes out of the L node, otherwise, the J node with all the right fields unchecked.




17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The Unique tool can take care of this for you. In this example, place a Unique tool and check the box for column D. The rows with duplicates will out from the "D" anchor. Join these records to the original for what's called a "left outer" join. 



8 - Asteroid

@bb how about something like the attached workflow? 


Take a count for each value in Column D and then join it and then filter duplicates.

7 - Meteor

Thank you all, that works perfectly
