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How to export the workflow chart(gallery) as other graph format (jpg, pdf, etc)?

5 - Atom

Need help with a simple question:


At first I want to use MS VISIO to document the logic of my workflows in Alteryx. However, it seems easier to document the logic in Alteryx and export/save as other fomarts.

But i could not find a way to do it, except for "Print" option.


Anyone can help with this problem?



Thank you!!

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

I really like the PRINT option.  I've also used a snipping tool to create jpg images.


Ultimately, I'd rather explain a workflow natively in Alteryx than to use Visio.


The print option can also write to pdf if you've got a writer application (.xps is also available).





Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

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5 - Atom

Thank you, Mark! :)

12 - Quasar
It's worth nothing that a .yxmd file produced by Alteryx is simply XML. One
*could* parse that and use it to layout the tools in another package or
format, however when the Alteryx workflow is already self-documenting it
has always been unnecessary for me.


5 - Atom

Thank you Chris!


In this case, do you mean that i can open yxmd file in web page since the format is XML? 

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I think @chris_love meant more that you can parse out information from the xml to feed into another tool or piece of software. Attached is an example that parses out the tool connection information and feeds it into the network analysis tool (adapted from here). 

12 - Quasar
Nice example - thanks Neil