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How to do intermapping within columns

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to re-arrange my table and do some inter-table mapping

My input looks like this (I used the binocular function)


Animal Weight DietMammalColor
Tiger500meatBig BearWhite
Polar Bear1000fishAntelopeBrown
Deer150grassBig CatOrange



So, my table is disordered 


Is there a mapping I could do (not using fuzzy match) but actual mapping code or something I could write to make it so that I can put some kid of formula like "Tiger" = "Big Cat" and then if a new animal was added, I could just update that code or mapping template. Basically need to make sure the animal column is able to match the corresponding mammal column.

Ideally, I'd want my output to be like this:


Animal Weight DietColor
Polar Bear1000fishWhite


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

No, you'll need to define your rules in a separate excel sheet that maps the correct animal to the correct mammal & color.


Right now, your data is disorganized only for the mammal and color fields, so you'll need to join with an excel sheet that is correct, then drop the two fields. 


If you have new animals, you can put them into the excel sheet and keep updating them for a comprehensive list of mapping. Anything which cannot be mapped will be an exception, so you'll need to check.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Just a general idea here:


Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE