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How to create mapping table

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,


I hope everyone is staying safe and are doing well.


I have a question with regards to a piece of data that I have. Bascially I have two piece of information in my data company name and Attendee name and both of these are spelled diffrently in most of the records.

For example in the below table, even though the company is the same ABC it has been flagged off diffently in all the four records and similarly the attendee name looks similar they have been spelled differently.


Company Name
ABC Standard
ABC Standard Life
ABC Standard Investments


Attendee Name
Mihir Desai
Meher Desai
Andy Desai
Andrew Desai



Is it possible to create a mapping table where I can create a new column for company name taking into consideration the company's first word ignoring the last name or the suffix used in the company name. 

Company NameNew Company Name
ABCABC Standard life
ABC StandardABC Standard life
ABC Standard LifeABC Standard life
ABC Standard Investments

ABC Standard life


Similarly for Attendee name.

Attendee NameNew Attendee name
Mihir DesaiMeher Desai
Meher DesaiMeher Desai
Andy DisaiAndrew Desai
Andrew DesaiAndrew Desai
21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


You may want to look at the Fuzzy Tool, though it requires some tuning.

8 - Asteroid

I am actually at a very adolescent stage when it comes to Alteryx.

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Tried one sample but note the fuzzy match still requires some tuning of Match Threshold parameter.


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Hello @mihir_mir_jb ,


I just played a little to create some matching keys (it's not perfect), hope this helps you:




