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How to apply filter on fields name.

6 - Meteoroid

Hi everyone,


I am working on a dynamic dataset 

In which the columns are dynamic in nature sometimes i get the specific column and sometimes not.

So i have one logic in which i want to check the source data has the specific column in it or not 

If the specific column is present in the data then i want to send the data to container 1 

Else send the data to container 2.


And additionally 

Can we enable disable a container using above logic,

For example if the data is going to container 2 disable the container and vice versa.


 I have been trying this since long time but not able to find the way to do it.

It will be very helpful if anyone can solve it for me.


Happy learning.



13 - Pulsar

@Ashwin_99 look at the dynamic select tool and set via formula - that should do the trick but let me know if you need more help

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Ashwin_99 Dynamic select is what you need. Regarding the dynamic turn off of containers, you’ll need configure the action tool with an interface. Can you provide some sample data and expected output?

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
9 - Comet

Hi @Ashwin_99  what version of Alteryx Designer are you using? I'm assuming given a few weeks ago someone shared  a workflow with you from version 2023.2, you're on 2023.1 or beyond, so this can be done with control containers.




You only mentioned 1 column but ultimately if you could edit this workflow to look for multiple columns or activate more containers based on logic you feed though the formula / summarise / filter tools.
