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How to append the data to excel without changing it's formatting?

7 - Meteor

Hello All,


Is it possible to write to the excel sheet without changing it's formatting?

Attached file has two sheets, template and output, actually both are the different files at different locations.


Output sheet is a result of some workflow and template is the standard format in which I have to present the data, currently I am manually pasting the output to template sheet.


Is there a way in Alteryx to automate this manual task?


Thank you

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sarahkelly.


I just noticed that I never got back to you on this. Is this still a problem? If so, I can try to replicate.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @jemjem,


This functionality only works if you write to a specific range, which means you can only do it for one sheet at a time. I guess, it would be possible to be clever and update the range with a batch macro if you really want to.

5 - Atom

Yes, I still haven't figured it out. I haven't used batch macros before. If you can provide some guidance, I would appreciate that. Thanks

5 - Atom

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