Hi there,
I want to add cell padding in vertical Layout tool (Reporting Tool), but I am not able to edit cell padding as it is showing as disabled.
I have used Layout mode as "Each Individual Record" and Orientation as "Vertical Merge Contents to Line up Table Column".
I am also using 30 pixels as a separator between the records.
Could you please help me as how cell padding of 6 pixels can be applied.
that layout would reflect report elements - not cells in the table. Do you have multiple reporting objects?If you want to change the table cell padding - that's in the table tool.
Thanks for your response.
I have two report elements and I am aligning them vertically by using Layout Tool (Vertical Layout). I want to add padding from corners of the pages (i.e. left,right,top) in both the reports elements.
How Can I achieve this? How padding can be applied using Layout Tool (Vertical Layout).
Can't you use separator and border to control that?
I am using separator. It is adding space between the two report elements which is fine, but I want that these reports elements should have some spacing from corner of the pages. That's why I have posted this question.
How to add cell padding only in column headers and not the data?