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How to Filter on the Leading Digit of a Numeric Value that is 4 Digits in Length

6 - Meteoroid

I have a numeric field representing store number that I would like to filter on. The store numbers are either 3 digits or 4 digits long.  I would like to filter on any store number that starts with an 8 and is also 4 digits long.  I've tried the following if statement, but for some reason it returns null values for anything meeting the criteria I'm trying to specify:


if tonumber(Left(tostring([Site Formatted]),1) = "8")
&& (tonumber(Length(tostring([Site Formatted]) > 3)))
then .079
else [UT Total Rate] endif


My questions are, can someone tell me why this returns null values?  Secondly, what is a simpler way of doing this?  And thirdly, can I filter on a numeric value by using the wildcard "?"?  Or is the ? wildcard only meant for strings?  I initially tried filtering on all numeric values that started with an 8 and were 4 digits long by using 8??? but this didn't work either.  Does a wildcard exist for numeric values?


Thank you.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @codybentley 


Most of you formula is right. Try this

if Left(tostring([Site Formatted]),1) = "8"
and Length(tostring([Site Formatted])) > 3
then 0.079
else [UT Total Rate] endif


Hope this helps : )

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Hi @codybentley ,


Here is a workflow for the task.


Output : 


Workflow has been attached


Hope this helps : )


If this post helps you please mark it as solution. And give a like if you dont mind😀👍

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

And answer to your last question @codybentley 


Does a wildcard exist for numeric values?

Ans : No, it does not. Wildcard/Regex is only for strings.

22 - Nova
22 - Nova

Happy to help 🙂


Cheers and Happy Analysing 😀

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks @atcodedog05!
