Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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How do I fix the date format in the designer results window?

5 - Atom

I'd expect this to be picked up from the windows settings, or be settable in the Edit User Settings | Localisation, but neither is applicable.  If neither is possible, surely ISO format should be the default.




21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Never noticed this one.

Guess need someone from Alteryx to answer this.

5 - Atom

Thanks for the response Qiu.


I'm new to Alteryx and these forums - Do Alteryx staff monitor these forums, or do I need to submit a formal help request? 



21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

We can see them everywhere all the time.
@jarosenthal  care to comment?

17 - Castor

Hi @matt_bolton , I do not think you can change the date format from the front end. I believe this needs to be done in the configuration file but before proceeding I would suggest you to consult someone from the Alteryx team as if not done properly then your alteryx might stop working. So, I suggest you to write a mail to for better help.



Sapna Gupta
5 - Atom

Hi @

Thanks for the response. Support tells me that there is no way to change it via the UI.

Do you know where I can find the config file you mention?



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

hi @matt_bolton 

the configuration file is stored at C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\RuntimeData\RuntimeSettings.xml

Although, i don't see a way to change this here to be honest with you.

17 - Castor

Hi @matt_bolton , I am not sure if this is the right direction to follow but I have come across something also I do not think you can change the format by yourself as I looked into the file and it displays the data something like this .




The path for this file is


"\Program Files\Alteryx\bin\Messages". It is a .dat file and they have passed variables in this file. So the best thing would be to ask alteryx support to change it for you from the backend if possible.



Sapna Gupta
5 - Atom

It looks like a SQL Lite file, but I don't think playing with it is a good idea, so will have to live with the wrong date format I think.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I spoke with some of the teams and we will review how the the dates are generated but we don't have a timeline on completion just yet for this specific experience, should there be changes needed.  Thanks for reaching out; while many of these conversations are happening already, internally, these kinds of questions help continue and refine the experience.
