I read this can be done using the table and render tools and it seems to work, but my issue is that it keeps overwriting my other sheets from my "data output" tool.
My current flow looks like this:
Data Input = Workbook1.xlsx
Workbook1.xlsx |
Sheet1WB1 |
Block until done > Data Output (Results.xlsx)
Data Input = Workbook2.xlsx
Workbook2.xlsx |
Sheet1WB2 |
Block until done > Data Output (Results.xlsx)
Data Input = Workbook2.xlsx
Workbook2.xlsx |
Sheet2WB2 |
Block until done > Data Output (Results.xlsx)
This results in the following Output
Results.xlsx |
Sheet1WB1 |
Sheet1WB2 |
Sheet2WB2 |
a single Excel workbook with multiple sheets (desired result).
What I am trying to add:
I would like to add formatting to "Sheet1WB2", but when I use the table and render tools the entire output file (Results.xlsx) gets overwritten and only shows Sheet1WB2 with the formatting.
Seems like it was the "paper size" in the render tool that's leading to the issue. I put a custom size of 40x20 and that removed the issue, but now the columns in the output are too large. Is there a way to adjust the sizes of all the columns or do I have to adjust them column by column in the table tools?
The only thing I added to the "blend" workflow is the raw data input that's about 2000 records that I am trying to create a crosstab/pivot table on. It seems to output the pivot table, but when the page size is too small it will cut off text from the pivot table headers or from the pivot columns. If I make the page view much larger like 40x20 it will not cut anything off, but doing this extends the column widths for all the other tabs (far beyond the column sizes they actually need).
@alteryxisconfusing you should be able to adjust the width of the output at the bottom of the render tool configurations.