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How change directory or file location when using InputData Tool

5 - Atom

Hi All,

I have scenario 

where i have to pick up few .txt files from directory "C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\Queries" and load into db table.

But if i want to change the directory to "C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\ABC\Queries" without going into workflow. Meaning i have change the directory from outside of the Alteryx workflow how can i achieve this...

I am new to Alteryx. Any help will be appreciated. 

16 - Nebula

Hi @skurukun 


If i understood well, you want to use Alteryx to move files between 2 directories, right?

Try this macro, it will do the job:



16 - Nebula

Or if you want to change the yellow path to another path without opening the workflow, you can use a text editor to open the yxmd file of this workflow and replace it:




5 - Atom

Hi @Felipe_Ribeir0,

Not exactly, For example today i might be using my local directory for development. If i move work flow to Stage or PROD the directory will change accordingly then i  dont want to go into stage or prod environment to change directory.

Hope you understand my question.

16 - Nebula

@skurukun understood!


The only way that i know to do that is using my second answer. As the workflow is a XML and it can be opened as a text tool, the job of replacing strings can be automated using Alteryx or other tool.


Let's see if someone has another suggestion.


8 - Asteroid

@skurukun - would be helpful to know how you are planning to run this. are you using an automation? runner tool? are you opening and running it?

16 - Nebula

@skurukun , here is a workflow that can open another workflow XML and change the filepath of the input tool to a new one:





5 - Atom

Hi dsandmann,

I want to automate the work flow.

Basically, am from Microsoft SSIS background. This scenario can be achieved by using ssis parameters. I want to replicate the same in Alteryx.

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