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How can I merge these four paths into one Excel or CSV file in different sheets?

5 - Atom

Hello all, 

I'm so new this Alteryx things and I wanted to test myself in basic tools. 


So I've created four paths from the same origin file and want to put these four into one CSV or Excel file as different sheets (every outcome of "Sorting" will be seen in different sheets)


Is it possible to do this and can you help? Which tool I should use?


question image.png

13 - Pulsar

If you are using a version of Alteryx prior to v2023, then you will need to use the Block Until Done (BUD) Tool (which you would place just after the first Select Tool). Since you have 4 branches, you'd need 2 BUD Tools one after the other. FYI, If this is the route you go, make sure that AMP engine is turned off, which can be done in the "Runtime" settings in the configuration pane.


If you are using v2023, then this can be done with Control Containers.


In either case, just connect the output anchor of each Sort Tool to its own Output Tool (you can copy paste the Output Tool after the first one is set up). Make sure you change the sheet name for each Output Tool, and you are good to go!


Happy Solving!!!

16 - Nebula

One way of doing this is you add a column to each output as flag and give the name required for the specific sheet. 
union them all of the Syntax is same and use output Tool where you will configure the Output tool to take sheet names from Flag.
this will push the Output.

5 - Atom

Thanks Andrew, I'm using version 2020, but I must say I do not understand anything since I never used BUD tool before. So when you have time, can you explain it in "for dummies" method? 


- Should I connect BUD tool to Select Tool named "Necessary Items" (twice, I also do not get why should I use it twice after another)? Or to the other Select Tools (each named "..../Hour")? 


- Also I could not find Runtime settings, I looked to the canfig. pane of BUD tool specifically, should I look somewhere else? 


Again, thanks in advance



13 - Pulsar

Based on your specific use case, I actually think that @Raj's solution will actually be much simpler for you. It would look something like this (just focus on the Formula Tools and Output Tool, which are what you need to add to your workflow):


Output Tool Configuration (Notice that "Take File/Table Name From Field" is checked at the bottom with corresponding fields):

Screenshot 2.png


For the purpose of learning however, I'm happy to explain the BUD Tool:

  1. This tool has 1 input and 3 outputs (conveniently labeled "1","2","3")
  2. An easy way to think about how the tool works is that it will send the input data to output "1", then wait for everything downstream to finish before sending the input data to output "2", until everything downstream is finished again, and then it will finally send input data to output "3".
  3. Since you have 4 branches, and the BUD Tool only has three outputs you would need to attach another BUD Tool after the first in order to handle all 4 branches:


You would use the BUD Tool (or Control Containers in v2023) whenever you have workflow dependencies (i.e. you need to finish one part of a workflow before running something else). Since the Output Tool has the built in capabilities of splitting up your data into different sheets automatically (as shown at the beginning of this post), there is no reason to use the BUD Tool in this circumstance.


Final Note: The BUD Tool is not compatible with AMP engine, so if the tool is going to be used, then you will need to disable it. This can be found in the configuration pane (Not for the BUD Tool, but for the workflow itself). To see the setting, click anywhere on the canvas itself (i.e. do not select a Tool, pick a blank space). You should see several tabs (The same Configuration tabs you'd see when you first open Alteryx Designer/when you start a new workflow): "Canvas", "Workflow", "Runtime", etc. As mentioned in previous response, the AMP Engine setting can be found in "Runtime".


Hope this helps. Happy Solving!!!

5 - Atom

Dear Andrew, 


Thank you for your time and sorry for late response. 


I figured it out as below (I guess this was Raj means in their solution above): 


The output file names are the same but it differs in the sheet names so I have one excel file and 4 sheets.




I also took your latest response as a note to future so I can re-animate the scenario when I'm more sufficient in Alteryx, when I learned better. 


Thanks again, 


