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Help with Folder Browse Interface Tool

5 - Atom

Hello!  I am a new Alteryx user and I am stuck - would appreciate some help.


I am working on a workflow (Analytic App) in the flow I have created a field and populated it with the file path of the input file.  I want to insert a Folder Brower Interface Tool and take the output from the tool and replace the current value in field filepath.  I am trying to force that data update in a Select tool. 


In the Action Tool, the configuration is:

Update Value (Default)

SelectField[@field="FilePath"]    is highlighted

  @field-value="FilePath"            is not highlighted

  @selected-value="True"           is not highlighted

Checkbox "Replace a Specific String" is not checked






13 - Pulsar

Your action tool should be connected to the formula tool instead of the select.

Assuming you have a field called FileName that has the current full path, have a new formula setup that is something like "Placeholderpath"+FileGetFileName([FileName])+FileGetExt([FileName])

Have your action tool setup to replace a specific string and replace Placeholderpath (no quotes)

You should then have a new field with the new path and filename.

5 - Atom

Thanks for the help!  Your solution has gotten me part of the way.  I am now getting the last subdirectory of the path, but not the complete path.  Which is a step up, as I was getting nothing before.


for example: in the Folder Brower tool I navigate to and click OK on - c:\users\Disk Space Report\03-25-2024


And the part of the value that comes through is "03-25-2024" which is appended to the front of my filename and then stored in the working directory (where the app is).


How can I get the full path from the Folder Browser tool?



13 - Pulsar

Sorry, I missed one step.

The selected folder will not include the final "\" in the path. Because of that, its just adding the file name to the end of the folder so your path ends up being c:\users\diskspacereport\03-25-2024Filename.xtn instead of c:\users\diskspacereport\03-25-2024\Filename.xtn



Update your PathAndFileName formula to be [FilePath]+"\"+[OutputFile] and that should take care of it.

5 - Atom



What you gave me helped me figure out that I was missing both the "\" and that my field length was too short and truncating my path
