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Group Buy or Sell with corresponding opposite transaction based on like data

8 - Asteroid

Hi All


I am trying to build a workflow where I can pair column E (TRT) BUY and SELL based on the values in column B, C, D, F, and G being exactly the same.  For example, I would want to group lines 169 and 133 as they have equal values in all of these conditional columns AND are opposites in column E (one is buy, one is sell).  Anything that does not have an opposite transaction (again there should be 1 buy paired/grouped with 1 sell if the criteria columns match) I would just want to kind of separate from the paired groupings.  I am not really sure how to start to try to get to this point.  If anyone can give me any assistance I would really appreciate it.  Thank you so much!





03-Feb-2116-Feb-2150501F022436     BUYWF600,000.00630,906.250105.05
04-Mar-2116-Feb-2150501F022436     SELLWF600,000.00628,398.44627773.44104.63
17 - Castor

@jmmart08 glad to hear, you can check out the reporting tools - I'm not as personally familiar with these but the attached breaks out the accounts. I'd suggest playing around with these and seeing, but in my experience alteryx isn't the best at outputting super formatted excel reports (it can output to a pre-formatted sheet, but that might be tricky for this also)




