When trying to use a field name on the configuration of a google sheet output, I am getting and error stating "Error: Google Drive Output (328): Worksheet does not exist
The field name is External ID and the output is a series of 6 digits (i.e. 121000 or 124100 etc). The names of my tabs in the google sheet match character for character, and exist in the sheet. I am able to push in data to a specific sheet name in the data range, but as soon as I switch it to a field and make it dynamic it fails. I am looking to run a workflow to overwrite tabs, where the data in the field External ID matches the tab name in my host google sheet.
I have tried to change the data type on the output from string to double or int, and none of the field types match. It seems as if whatever google API's for the name of the tab is does not exactly match the characters in the data for that field, although they appear to.
Has anyone had issues with dynamic data ranges for fields not being recognized to the tab names in "Overwrite sheet"?
Overwrite file works, static tab names work, my google input and output appear to be functioning.
Behavior that I'm seeing is that the term "field" here refers to a field which contains the tab name in a gsheet --- this is the behavior you want. The error you see sounds more like it's sheet specific (worksheet does not exist) vs tab specific. I've seen some errors relating to xlsx creation --- but not the error you mention. I do not see any issues with blanks in the field. I do see
when writing some special chracters (' for example)