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Get multiple files from Sharepoint folder into Alteryx?

6 - Meteoroid



I have a folder on Sharepoint with 40 excel sheets. I need all these files to input into Alteryx and append one below the other to create one single output file. 

All the 40 files have exact number of columns. 


Is there a way to do that? 


Thank you!

17 - Castor



We have already the help page to import from share point.


Hope this helps!!!!


Shanker V

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you Shankar. II used Sharepoint input tool but it doesn't let me select more than one file at a time. 

Do you know if there is a way to do that? 

17 - Castor



Use the Directory tool to read all the file names.

Then use the dynamic input tool to read all the datas in all the file one by one.


Many thanks

Shanker V

17 - Castor






If your issue is resolved. Feel free to mark helpful answers as a solution, so that future users with the same issue can find them easier!!!!


Many thanks

Shanker V



Many thanks

Shanker V

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Pbhave 


Are all the sheets the same format? E.g same number of columns?




17 - Castor



Along with same number of columns, the schema also should be same.


If the order of columns is different, then it will lead to pull all the information in one sheet which will mess up the joining of 40 sheets.



The schema of all sheets should be same.


Many thanks

Shanker V

13 - Pulsar

Hey @Pbhave ,


What you need in order to solve your problem is a batch macro. 


You need a Sharepoint Tool to create all filepaths - Select "Import only list of file paths"



With this you can extract the file names, these you need as an input into a batch macro. 

The configuration of the macro has to be set up, so an action tool always changes the sheet names to the new ones. 

This way the macro will run 40 times and stack every single file underneath each other. 



This is a SharePoint solution that is independend of the Paths - if your workflow only needs to work localy, do the same thing with regular inputs.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

If they're the same, you can setup the SharePoint Input to read in from one folder. You  don't need to specify a file at this point, but the folder all 40 files sit in.




Then set the 'select sheet' to All Sheets




This should allow you to do it all from the SharePoint input

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you. Will try this out. 
