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Get all month names between 2 dates

8 - Asteroid

Im struggling with this one!  I have an excel file with a month name in it (January, February etc), this is the month that a report(s) should be created.  I have another set of data  with the actual date that report was created (15-Jan-2022 for example) - I need to find out if a report should have been created in say March  but wasn't.  I have used a formula to extract the month from the creation date and am using that to join to the excel file so can tell if a report was done on time.  

What I'm struggling with is the Excel file has data for a full year,  but we will be reconciling the data probably quarterly - so if the team select the date range of Jan to March and a report was due in Feb but wasn't created I want that to flag but also, if a report is due in June (and the team are still doing the Jan - March reconciliation) I don't want that to flag.

What I really want to do is take the start and end date that the team will be inputting via a date selector on the workflow/app and then get the month name of every month from start date to end date.


Start Date: 01 Jan 2022

End Date: 31 May2022


I want something like:










17 - Castor

@craigja are you after something like this? If the date range can span multiple years and have the same month from 2 years i.e. Jan 2022 & Jan 2023, then you may want to also include the year element or a summarize two just roll them into one - all depends on your requirement.



20 - Arcturus

@craigja One way of doing this




13 - Pulsar

Hello @craigja 

I've attached a sample workflow which would enable you to do the date calculation dynamically.

Hope this helps!


Please like and mark this thread as resolved if this provided the answer to your question!

15 - Aurora

Try the attached workflow





