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Fuzzy Match Logic

5 - Atom

Hi Experts,


Good day!


I would like seek help on how can I use the fuzzy match tool to my Design Registration Validation process.


I have 2 data sets:

          1.) The Requested DRs (Registration records that have pass the hard reject for POS History).  

          2.) POS Data (2 years historical POS data).


I want to create a Partial Match flag in the  Requested DRs records that will determine if the record(s) are for manual review using the fuzzy match logic match against the POS Data using a field called Clean Customer from both data sets and root part combination field.


I attached a sample of the workflow and attempt to create the fuzzy match but it turned out that there NULL values from the left side of the join Requested DRs data - Kindly look for container called Check# 6 for reference..


Thank you in advance.




Albert P. Bernardo

14 - Magnetar

Withdrawing my post as it's been pointed out to me that ! and NOT are both equally valid.

My theory was that something was stopping data flowing into the right side of the join in Check#6, but won't be for the reason I originally suggested.
