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Formula tool to extract input files that end with date for example "abcd__2023-01-07.html"

7 - Meteor

I have input data using the input tool. This input data has large number of files, but I want to extract the files that end with suffix today's date. For example "abcd_2023-01-07.html". 


Importantly the abcd is an example, it can be anything but needs the suffix as today's date in this format "_YYYY-MM-DD.html"

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @APIUserOpsGiri, are your input files the same in terms of schema (field names, field order, data types etc)? You'll likely need to use a Directory tool and point towards the folder that your files are saved within. After that, you can filter the files (example shown below) and then pull them in through a Dynamic Input tool that'll load them all in:


Dummy FileName field (this is a field that comes out of the Directory output):




Filter condition and output:




There's also more info on inputting multiple files here which will help resolve your issue:

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