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Formula Help

7 - Meteor

Dear Team,


I have two sheets. Production Data and Commision Rate.

Based on the same I have to calculate commission against each POLICY_REF.


Login to calculate commission is given below and also in result sheet.


Please help to generate workflow.


POLICY_REFBusiness FlagP_IDBooking AmountCommisionLogic to be applied to calculate Commision
OH-O1-21NB1001111060837.0as P_ID is 1001 and Business Flag is NB then as per commission rate sheet for NB rate is 0.05 / 1500 Booking amount
OH-O1-23REN1001111234537.1as P_ID is 1001 and Business Flag is NB then as per commission rate sheet for NB rate is 0.05 / 1500 Booking amount
OH-O1-25NB18013691000.5as P_ID is 1001 and Business Flag is NB then as per commission rate sheet for NB rate is 0.5
OH-O1-27RENEWAL1801208790o.25as P_ID is 1001 and Business Flag is NB then as per commission rate sheet for NB rate is 0.25
12 - Quasar

Your logic is copied across all rows and is a bit confusing what it means. I have made a start to the flow reshaping and joining so that the production data can be joined to the commission rate. it just needs clarification on the commission formula i think.


If you could be more clear on what the formula is for commission i can take another look


*typo should say left([field], 3)

12 - Quasar

Got the numbers but not really scalable solution at present i wouldn't have thought



7 - Meteor



Thank you so much.

I have further modified and got the result which I want.
