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First Macro - Changing part of a Sharepoint Connector Input Tool

8 - Asteroid

I want to change out the configuration of a sharepoint connector. Specifically, change the "List - Value" parameter of the Sharepoint connector input tool using a text input into a macro.


I dont have a way to upload files or images so I'm going to do my best to explain my current Macro.


[Macro Input] --[ Action Configuration (Update Value) -> Sharepoint Input Tool -> [Macro Output]


I *think* the issue is the green connector on the macro input is connected to nothing. I tried a Dynamic Input tool but it wont allow sharepoint connection.


I get the error  Macro Input (4) Macro Input cannot be used as a question input for this action type.


Is this possible? I dont want to keep wasting time if I'm trying the impossible.


Hey @SideOfRanch,


It sounds like you should be looking at the Text Box Tool instead of the Macro Input Tool, with the Action Tool set to Update [List]. You can then connect a Macro Output Tool at the back in order to save it as a macro.


Here is an example of what your workflow should look like:


