I want to detect Arabic numbers in a picture using Image to Text tool, but it's not possible and this element can't detect Arabic numbers.
Would you help me please?
Hey @Saraabdi955,
Are you able to share an example image your want to extract the numbers from?
I know we do not yet support rendering in the Reporting tools of Right to Left languages, in case that is what is causing this. We do have it on our roadmap to introduce support for that functionality in an upcoming release.
Thanks @TonyaS
Based on supporting arabic language, I thought it's possible to detect numbers like arabic text.
Actually my point is "Image to Text" tool in Computer Vision tab, not Reporting tools.
Hey @Saraabdi955,
Might not be the answer but I inputted your PDF into my PDF reader tool and it parsed the Arabic numbers to European numbers PDF Reader Tool Public Gallery
Sorry, Can you tell me what is the input?
And If I want to import more than one picture, is it possible?
Hey @Saraabdi955,
I have updated the Tool. If you install it, the tool will appear in the In/Out tool group.
See below you feed the tool multiple or one PDF location like this:
And the data of that PDF will appear in the same row of the output.