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Finance Formula: YIELD

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Reviving an old post:


Has anyone managed to calculate the yield formula from excel into Alteryx? 

I am avoiding Python due to internal policies. I was thinking of making a formula in Alteryx like “=YIELD(x, y, z…)” and then output it to Excel. 

At least the formula then interacts with Excel as if it was running… any thoughts are welcomed!

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I think it’ll take a few cycles before Alteryx implements more finance formulas from Excel. Thanks @Qiu - I guess I’ll go with the formula to force a formula to exist in the excel output.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
19 - Altair

I assume R isn't ok? jrvFinance?


I think the no Python is funny - I'm sure your upstream data teams use it all the time.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Well the thing is… we cannot really use R or Python anymore due to an internal requirement with regards to the Server. 

If we use R or Python on desktop, eventually we will move to the Server. To be consistent, we are stripping any use of those two tools entirely just to be safe.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
14 - Magnetar

@caltang could you not replicate the Yield formula using the formula tool?


Yield formula.png

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

I’m not a finance professional but some of them were telling me it’s not so straightforward as the formula may suggest especially with regards to dates in the calculations. 

Something about the precision as well. But using the formula =ABS(YIELD(….)) in Alteryx and then outputting to Excel seems to do the trick and the end users are happy. 

Though I much prefer if the formula was maintained more properly on Alteryx itself rather than excel hacking this way…


Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE