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Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Filtering multiple Alteryx files if they contain certain tool

5 - Atom

I have approximately 1000 Alteryx files saved in different subfolders at different levels of one folder, say "C:\temp". What I need to do is filter those Alteryx files that contain a certain makro.


I know how to read in one Alteyrx file as xml (read as csv with delimiter "\0") and can then easily filter for that specific makro. Also, I know how to use the directory tool to read in all ".yxmd" files in "C:\temp" and have as output a column with the path of all Alteryx files in that folder. I do not understand though how to combine these two, that is loop through all Alteryx files from that one column and mark which contain the makro and which don't. 


Thanks a lot in advance for any support! 

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

If I understand you correctly, you need a Dynamic Input tool.


5 - Atom

Thank you, that works well for a few files but then it says "schema is different compared to schema from first file" and throws an error. 

20 - Arcturus

@Viwi If you are getting the different schema error you need use the batch macro instead of dynamic input tool and then apply the filter mentioned by @Qiu . you can follow the below post for more details

5 - Atom

Thanks a lot, the batch macro works with the different schemas! 
